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YouSayToo is an ad revenue sharing community that allows you to add your blogs and make extra revenue from Amazon and Google adsense ads.

The unique feature of our site allows you to gather all your blogs at YouSayToo and benefit from additional traffic, followers and revenue. Adding a blog to YouSayToo is easy and only takes a minute.

Or you can drop the whole revenue thing and donate to charities instead.

Create a New Revenue Stream with Your Blog. Do you run your own blog but want to get more from it? YouSayToo is offering bloggers a brand new, easy way to promote and monetize blogs!

YouSayToo is different from other social blogging sites because its capabilities include an “Add Your Blog” feature which allows bloggers to add their existing blogs to their accounts on YouSayToo and gain additional traffic to their content and increase revenue from AdSense and Amazon.

Once the blog is added all newly-published content gets imported into the blogger's account where it gets traffic from YouSayToo and search engines. Thousands of people come to YouSayToo in search of great content and they share that content on their bookmarking sites and friends on FaceBook and Twitter.

If bloggers are not interested in increasing profits they can make a difference and donate the revenue from YouSayToo to a charity of their choice.

Bloggers Turn Free Flash Games into Profit. Did you know that you can turn playing flash games into profit? Well, you can. In fact, thanks to YouSayToo it's probably the most profitable and cool things you can do.

Simply find cool free flash games on any of many flash game sites and upload them into your gaming blog at YouSayToo. Thousands of people come to YouSayToo to play flash games and, thanks to YouSayToo's improved SEO, flash games get picked up by search engines very quickly. That means flash games are perfect for having fun and making money.

People and search engines like reviews so make sure to write nice reviews for the games when you upload them.

You Deserve More From Your Blog. Blogging can be not only a great pastime, but also a source of income. is an ad revenue sharing community where bloggers promote their existing blogs and make money with AdSense and Amazon.

Every blogger likes it when their content is being read, rated and commented. That's why so many bloggers find YouSayToo services so attractive. By adding existing blogs to YouSayToo bloggers can promote their blogs and content as well as make additional money with AdSense and Amazon.

Once a blog is added all newly-published content gets imported into the blogger's YouSayToo account where it is exposed to the many readers of YouSayToo as well as referral and search engine traffic.

Registering a YouSayToo account and adding a blog is very easy, fast and most of all free. Join YouSayToo now!

Why Bloggers Love YouSayToo. is a revenue sharing community for bloggers that offers bloggers an easy way to catch the eye of the major search engines and generate more revenue with AdSense and Amazon.

If you are not interested in profits than YouSayToo is offering a unique opportunity make a difference. Bloggers can automatically donate their YouSayToo earnings to the charity of their choice.

Everyone dreams of being able to make money doing something they love, and for bloggers that's sharing their thoughts on anything and everything. is a revenue sharing community for bloggers that offers bloggers an easy way to catch the eye of the major search engines and generate more revenue with AdSense and Amazon.

Bloggers can add their existing blogs to their YouSayToo accounts and all newly-published entries will be imported into their accounts where they'll be exposed to the YouSayToo community and gain strong search engine positions through YouSayToo's substantial SEO improvements. Bloggers get traffic to their content from the YouSayToo community and its readers, search engine traffic and of course referral traffic. Posts on YouSayToo can become viral thanks to the many thousands of people who come directly to YouSayToo looking for great content and the conveniently placed bookmarks allow all YouSayToo traffic to share any content with their friends including on Facebook and Twitter.

For bloggers not interested in using their blogs to bump their profits, YouSayToo is offering a unique opportunity to reach out and make a difference. Bloggers can connect their YouSayToo earnings to the charity of their choice, allowing them to automatically send their revenues to where they feel they can do the most good.

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